traffic picture

Easyhits4u review – How to earn money

traffic pictureHave you heard from On their website, they promote it as the number one tool for getting massive traffic. But is that really true? So I gave it a try and now I want to you help in your decision, whether you should use this program or not.

In this review, I will show you all the advantages and disadvantages of using EasyHits4U and tell you whether it is a scam or not.

How does it work?

EasyHits4U works very easy. For every credit, you get one visitor on your page. You can either buy credits or earn credits. To earn credits you have to visit another website for 20 seconds. If you have the premium package you only need to stay 15 seconds on a website and with the ultimate package you have to stay for at least 10 seconds.

If you buy the premium package or the ultimate package you get credits every month. You can spend your credits on any website you want. Also, you can convert your credits into banner and text ad. These will be shown other users using EasyHits4U.


One of the best things about EasyHits4U is that you can start for free. In addition, the premium package only costs 7.95$ per month and is really cheap in my opinion.

But at first, let’s have a look at the free package. With the free package you don’t get any credits, so you either have to buy or earn credits. Also, you have to wait 20 seconds per website to earn one credit.

In the Premium package, you get 500 credits, 2000 banner and 2500 banner ad impressions per month. These are 500 sure visits on your website plus depending on the conversion of your banners some extra views.

And also there is the Ultimate package, where you get 1000 credits, 5000 banner and 5000 text impressions per month. And again, depending on the conversion of your adds some extra views.

There are also different credit packages. I will not go into detail here, but there are several different packages for every purpose.

I’m using the ultimate package myself so I don’t recommend you anything I don’t use myself

Does it work?

I wanted to give it a try and bought 500 credits for 4$. I tried different things and converted some in text ads so I invested 172 credits for my website.

About 3 hours hour later I had the following result (source: google analytics)

So for every credit, I had one visit on my website, so it does work!

How to make money

There are two different possibilities to earn money with EasyHits4U.

Earn money by surfing

With the help of EasyHits4U, you can earn money by visiting websites. With every website visited you earn credits you can convert into real money.

This is a very easy and fast method to earn some additional money. I don’t think you can get rich with this method. However, it is a good method if you have a lot of time and you need some additional money.

Earn money by getting traffic

As I already mentioned you can buy traffic with EasyHits4U. You can buy or earn credits and use them to get guaranteed traffic. By sending your traffic to a landing page and getting leads you can earn money with email marketing.

I don’t think you can make much money by sending them to different sales pages. Generate leads and them market to them.

I use this method regularly to generate new leads and to grow my email list. (See here why you should grow an email list)

The Upside

With the help of EasyHits4U, you can generate traffic very fast. Within minutes you can generate traffic. I believe it is by far the fastest method to get traffic.

In addition, the traffic is very cheap. You get 1,000 credits for $5,95 and this is equal to 1,000 clicks. That means you pay around 0,5 cents per click! In PPC you usually pay around 30-50 cents per click.

I don’t think you can get traffic any cheaper. I use it to send the traffic to my landing page and I get sign ups regularly. For a sign-up, I pay between 10 and 30 cents and that is very low!

The Downside


As you may think the downside is that you get a lot of unqualified traffic. And this is the reason why many don’t use EasyHits4U. And yes there is a lot of traffic not interested in your site but there are always people who are interested in your site.

Whatever niche your website is in, you will always have people who are interested. Of course, that doesn’t work if you send them to your blog, you should send them to a landing page where they can leave their email address.

With this strategy, you can build your email list very quickly. So I think there is not much downside.


Is EasyHits4U a scam? No, it isn’t. As I described, it really helps you to get traffic on your website. I can recommend it to everyone who wants to build an email list very fast.

I don’t recommend anything to people I don’t use myself. I have the ultimate membership and I use EasyHits4U regularly to generate new leads. You give it a try for free click here!

If you have any questions or how you should use EasyHits4U just leave me a comment below 🙂

Have you tried programs like EasyHits4U? What have been your thoughts?

Have a nice day!


How to get smarter, happier and more successful every day

How are you? I feel fantastic and I hope you feel the same! Let me ask you another question, are you the person you always wanted to be? Are you as happy as you want to be? Do you know all the things you always wanted to know?

What if I say to you that you can change your whole life within less of 30 minutes a day? You can learn from the experience of many successful people like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. In addition, you can learn how to be happier or how to deal better with your finances.

All you have to do is start reading the right books. But what are the right books?

Well, that depends on what you want to learn. There are books in almost every section. There are many good books about finances, marketing or relationships. Here are some example sections, where you can read books.


Now you maybe ask yourself, why you would want to read a book about finances. A well-paid job should be enough, right?

Earning good money is never bad but if you can’t deal with your finances you will never be fully happy. So you can read books about how to deal better with your finances or how to invest your money. When I learned how to deal better with money I much more happy and satisfied.

When I learned how to deal better with money I much more happy and satisfied. I know how to spend my money to be more satisfied and also I know where I can invest my money to have a good profit while keeping the risk low.


Do you already have the self-confidence of a lion? If not you maybe should start reading books about how to build self-confidence.

I think you already know how important self-confidence can be. It can make the difference between a good job or an average job. It can make the difference between beeing single or having your dream partner. And in many other ways.


Do you feel happy and passionate every single day? Are you happy with your job, your lifestyle and/or your love partner? If not is that the problem of the job, the lifestyle or your love partner? In my opinion, in most of the cases, the problem is the person itself.

Happiness comes from within. Happiness doesn’t start when you have a big house, a nice car or three kids. You need to learn how to be happy without any reason. Believe me, if you learned that you will be truly happy.


How happy are you with your love partner? Or are you searching for one and you can’t find one? How big is your network? And how supportive is it?

Reading books can help you to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships. You can learn how to make friends or how to talk to completely strangers. There are many books about networking in the market because it can be so important.

Your network is your highest asset. And if you don’t know how to build your network you have to learn it. And there is no better way than reading books and trying them out!


How do you feel on a Monday morning? Tired from the weekend and not motivated going to work? Like most of the people? What if I say to you that you can be very motivated every day? Even a Monday morning!

Do you know how to do that? No? Then you need to learn how to get and stay motivated. You can find many different books on this topic, you only need to be motivated to read one 🙂

Sports and exercising

I don’t know how fit you are at this moment. Maybe you are an athlete and you don’t need any tips but there are also many people who want to be fitter but they don’t know how. There are endless books about fitness and exercising and depending on your goal you there should be definitely one for you.

You can also learn what food you need so your body works at an optimal level so you will be more energized. If you feel that you could have more energy you should read a book about that!


Do you always wanted to know how good marketing works? Or how you can memorize things better. Whatever it is, I’m sure there is somewhere a book that can help you develop the skill you always wanted. Or maybe you need right now.

I once read a book about speed reading and now I can read up to 2 times faster than before. So what normal people read in 1 hour I can read in 30 minutes or even less. So develop your skills you need and you want to have!


Who is your ideal? Is it the genius behind Apple, Steve Jobs? Or maybe one of the best basketballer of all time, Michael Jordan? Whoever it is, do you want to know what mindset these persons have? What kind of struggle they have been facing while working on their dream. How did they keep working to accomplish the impossible?

Of course, you can try to ask them but in many cases, you don’t have access to these people. Luckily most of them have published a biography. So you can read about these persons and learn from their lessons! Isn’t that great?

As you can see there are endless possibilities and also books out there. Many successful people read one book a week. This seems a lot, but if you are able to block some time for reading this is absolutely possible.  I read about 1-2 hours before I go to sleep. This has the advantage that one the one side my eyes are much more tired when I want to go to bed and on the other side, I learn something every evening.

I have to admit that I have never been much of a reader. The only time I was reading was on vacation, but also not always. When I started to read books about personal development I was hooked. I read books, which cost me around 10$ but they are worth more than 10,000$!

In the future, I will present some of the best books I read, but the most important thing is that you start reading. Start with maybe 30 minutes a day. This isn’t a lot and should be possible for everyone.

I hope I was able to motivate you to start reading books! What have been your best book so far? Let me know by leaving a comment below 🙂

Best regards,


The number one keyword tool

Do you want to create a new blog article, but you don’t have any ideas? Or maybe do you want to know how your side is ranked in google. Or you want to know the quality of a keyword.

If you have struggled with these topics I’m happy to help you. For all these tasks I use Jaaxy. Jaaxy is a keyword tool which is very useful for online entrepreneurs. In the following, I will show you how Jaaxy can help you.


Let’s say you want to write an article about earning money at home. So I enter “earning money online” in Jaaxy and I get the following results:

So the keyword “earn money online” has about 4k counts in traffic. Important is also the QSR value. QSR describes the “Quoted Searched Results”. The higher the value the more sites are ranked in google together with this keyword. So the lower the better.

Also, you can see on the first sight the KQI, which describes the keyword quality index. There are three different colors, green for good, yellow for OK and red for poor. So for example “earn money online” would be “OK” as a keyword. If you use “earn money easy online” the quality index would be better. But also there is not that much traffic.

Why don’t you give it a try yourself? Just enter any keyword below and you will see your results:

It’s great, isn’t it? I use this tool a lot to find new keywords. But Jaaxy can do a lot more.

Site Rank

Didn’t you always want to know, how good your website is ranked in google? This can also be done in Jaaxy.

All you have to do is entering your URL and a specific keyword. Then you get the following results:

The results, show the position of your website and the page on google your website can be found. So in this example, the URL can be found on the second page of google.

For me, this is great to watch the progression of my website. I check in every day to hopefully see my position climbing.

Alphabet Soup Search

If you have trouble finding new topics for articles the alphabet soup search can help you. You can also do this without Jaaxy but it is much easier with. Let’s say you want to write something about the keyword “how to sell” but you don’t have enough content. So you can enter “how to sell” in google and add an “a”:

As you can see, maybe you want to write something about how to sell a product. Then you can continue with “how to sell”  + “b” and there you get other ideas. This can be done until you reach “z”. This can also do Jaaxy for you.

All you have to do is entering a keyword and Jaaxy finds you the results for “a”, “b” and so on.


The great thing about Jaaxy is that you can try it out for free! If you register for free you can try up to 30 different searches. If you like Jaaxy you can upgrade your account for 19$ per month. 

In the Pro-Upgrade you have unlimited keyword searches and more results in the Alphabet Soup Search.

So for trying out the free program is absolutely sufficient. Later on, you maybe need to upgrade to Pro but 19$ is really cheap for such a good tool in my opinion!



Now I want to have your opinion! Have you given Jaaxy a try or are you using any other Keyword tool? I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below 🙂

Best regards,


Tips for sleeping better

Hello champ,

I hope you feel good! In the previous article, I described how you can make the most of your morning. A good morning routine can help you to feel much fitter and awake, but it is also important that you have a high-quality sleep. In this article, I will tell you some tips for sleeping better.

Make sleeping a routine

I’m sure you heard from the tip that you should try to go to bed always at the same time and stand up at the same time. I know this can be very hard to achieve with all the parties.. 😀 But if you have to do a lot and for example, you have to learn for exams this can be very helpful.

Try to maintain about 8 hours of sleep and make it a routine to go to bed always at the same time. You should do this not only on weekdays but also on the weekend. This will help your body to sleep much better.

Avoid screens

Maybe you heard from this, but the blue led light of screens can harm your sleep quality. The blue lights invoke a special hormone which keeps you awake. That is the reason why Apple released in iOS 10 the new feature that will change the color of the screens into more warm lights at night.

This is absolutely helpful, but it is more helpful if you try to avoid screens for at least one hour before going to bed. It is better if you can avoid them for two hours. You can use this time to read a book, going for a walk or maybe even learn if you want to.

I read a book before going to bed until my eyes are getting tired and then I go to sleep and usually I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes after going.

Don’t go hungry in bed

In order to sleep better, you should not go hungry to bed. But also you should try not going to bed if you are full. Try eating something light before going to bed like fruits or don’t eat something heavy for at least 1 hour before going to bed.

If you are too full your body has to work to stomach your food and this will harm you sleep quality. Also if you go hungry to bed your body may have not enough nutrients to recover itself. Many important recovery activities take place while sleeping, so try to help your body here! In return, your body will be much more rested the next day and you feel much fitter.

Darken and quiet down your room

You have the best sleep quality if your room is as quiet and dark as possible. Turn off your tv and your PC, because even the smallest light can affect your sleeping.

Also, try to cancel all possible sounds which can harm your sleep quality. That means that you set your phone to silent mode or even turn on the flight mode. Of course, there are sounds like neighbors or cars driving by where you can do nothing against it, but you can try to change the things you can change like your phone and so on.

Shut down your head

Many people have the problem that when they go to bed their head is kinda going crazy. You think about your day and maybe all the tasks you have to do tomorrow and you get nervous about the next exam and you’re not sure whether you learned enough.

I had the same problem especially in the days before an exam or something like that. But I found a way on how to quiet my head. I was able to shut down my thinking by starting to meditate. I’m sure many think now about Budda or something like that but meditation has nothing to do with religion.

Meditation is a training for the mind and helps you to release stress. There are many different meditation programs or video out there and I think many of them are useful. I’m using the app Calm and I still love the effects of meditation.

At the beginning, I was a little skeptical if it really helps. I started meditating two weeks before a big exam. And those two weeks have been really eye opening for me. I meditated about 10-15 minutes every day before going to bed. In the night before the exam, I was really relaxed in the head and fall quickly asleep. This was the first time something like this happened.

In addition, in the minutes before the exam, where I’ve been usually very nervous, I was relaxed and ready for the exam. I think I don’t have to mention that the exam was easy for me because I was so relaxed in my head that I didn’t have any problems remembering things or solve complex assignments.

I think the last tip is the most useful tip for many people out there. I hear it a lot that people can’t sleep because of their head. But when I try to help them and say “try to meditate” many people laugh or refuse to give it a try.

As I described, in the beginning, I was also very skeptical. But I gave it a try. It only costs 10-15 minutes a day and you don’t need any equipment. You can do it before going to bed or after waking up. And I think everyone has 10-15 minutes every day for themselves.

For me, all these tips help me very much when it comes to sleeping. I sleep a lot better than I used to and I feel much fitter in spite of I sleep less.

But now I want to hear from you. Did these tips help you or do you have additional tips? I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below!

Best regards,



How to have the perfect morning

Hello champ,

I hope you feel alright because I feel awesome right now 🙂

Do you know the people who are fit and energized in the morning? Are you one of them? Or are you one of these persons who need a lot of coffee and time to get awake? Then you should absolutly read this article to be more fit and energized in the morning!

Place your alarm clock away from the bed

For me many mornings have looked like this: alarm is ringing: snooze. 5 minutes later: snooze… and so on. Until I felt fit enough to stand up. So usually when my alarm was set to 6:30am I never went out of bed before 7:00am. That means I wasted around 30 minutes everyday with hitting the snooze button.

So I thought that I need some change. I searched around the web and I found the tip to place the alarm clock away from my bed. So before going to bed I placed my alarm clock somewhere else, so I had to stand up to set of the alarm. The next morning I was a little angry at myself because I had to stand up to turn of the alarm 😀 but it worked. When I turned of the alarm I was standing in my room and I thought: “okay now that you are awake you can have a shower right away” and I went having a shower.

I was ready with my shower and the clock said: 6:45am. So I was 30 minutes earlier as usual and I had more than enough time for breakfast. And I felt great. I felt great because I found a way to stand up much earlier and I felt much more awake.

Now about 5 years later I still place my alarm away from my bed and it really helps my getting out of the bed no matter how tired I am.

Shower cold

I read an article about 2 years from now saying that showering cold is the best motivation boost you can have. So I wanted to give it a try. But without any success. I was standing for like 5 minutes in the shower talking to myself. But then I lost the argument to myself and enjoyed a hot shower. And I still really love to have a how shower. And I didn’t wanted to miss that.

So time went by until I had an idea to shower cold and still be able to enjoy a hot shower. Sounds impossible? My idea was to start my usual hot shower and the last 10 seconds of the shower I turn the water as cold as possible. And I challenged to myself to do it for the next 45 days. Why 45 days? Because I thought if I can do that for the next 45 days I have enough time to see the hopefully positive results so I make a habit out of it.

So the next day in the morning I turned the water to cold and counted to 10. The water was so cold I was not able to breathe for the 10 seconds. But afterwards I felt like I can run a marathon or lift a car. The second day was harder then the first day because I knew what was coming. But I did it again. And I was feeling so energized again. So time went by and the 45 days went by really fast. And I’m still showering cold at the end for at least 10 seconds. Why?

Because I feel much more energized and awake in the morning. And also much more motivated. Because when I showered cold I already have done something out of my comfort zone. And from there I felt that nothing could stop me. So I can absolutly recommend you to challenge yourself to have a cold shower every morning! It will be worth it!

Enjoy a good breakfast

The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. For over 8 hours your body didn’t get any nutrition and is empty. So it is your job to give your body what it needs so your body can work much better and you will feel more energized and awake.

Your breakfast should contain some fruits and a lot of good carbs. Good carbs are in food like whole-grain bread or oatmeal. Play around a little bit so it doesn’t get boring. You can also add fish if you want to or eggs. Also try to trink at least one glass of water in the morning.

If you are not motivated in the morning to make such a breakfast you can prepare it the day before so you only have to take it out of the fridge.

Do something you feel passionate about

This is by far the best tip I can give you. Do you remember how you felt when you woke up and it was your birthday or Santa was coming? Did you feel tired in these days? I bet you don’t. I don’t want to say that Santa has to come everyday, but I want to say that you should do something in the morning you like and you feel passionate about.

Maybe you want to do some exercising in the morning. I love a good run in the morning, but I know enough people who don’t like to exercise in the morning. So you have something you like and what challenges you. Maybe you want to build your first business and the first thing in the morning is to work on that. Whatever it is, if you go to bed and you look forward into the next morning you are doing everything well.

This can also be a job you love. If you have a job you love and you like going there it is much easier to stand up in the morning and be positive. So if are not happy about your current job then you need to make a change! If you want to work on your passion and earn money doing that you definitly have to check out my review about Wealthy Affiliate!

I hope you have now an good impression on how to have your perfect morning. For me these things helped a lot to be much more energized and awake in the morning.

How does you morning routine look like?  I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below 🙂


4 Important Ways to Earn Money Online

Who doesn’t want to earn some extra money? Maybe you need more money to buy the clothes you always wanted. Or maybe you want to eat whatever you want and not always choose the cheapest.

There are endless possibilities nowadays to earn money online. Why earn money online? Well for me that is a simple question, I want to choose the place and the time I want to work. On the one hand that helps me escaping the boring 9-5 principle and on the other side I don’t loose a lot time being stucked in traffic.

But if you google “earn money online” you get over 282 million results. That looks like a lot of different possibilities to me. And there are many different systems or programs out there who want to help you to earn money online.

I tried many different things, some with more success than others. So I want to share my experience with you and help you to earn some extra money online.


You can get paid by writing blog articles, translating documents or creating logos or designs. There are many different projects you can work on as a freelancer. There are also projects for developers. Whatever it is I’m sure you can find something here.

You can get paid by hours or you get a budget for the project. This is a great opportunity for people who want to be self-employed and their own boss. It is also a great opportunity for people who want to have a logo designed or an article written.

Create your own product

You can also create your own product and sell it online. That can be a digital product like a pdf or a video or a physical product like a sweater or beer.

Usually creating a physical product is more expensive and risky. You need to find someone who produces and your product and if no one buys your product your investment is thrown away. Also you need to take care of the shipping and the support etc.

Creating a digital product can get you good money in a short amount of time. But still you need to create the product and take care of the marketing. If you already have experience with marketing and selling stuff this can be a great opportunity for you.

Affiliate Marketing

If you don’t want to create your own product you can also get paid by selling products from partners. Every time you sell the product you get a commission. This can range from 5% up to 80%. And there are affiliate programs everywhere. Even amazon has an affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing can be very powerful. Think about it, what are you doing before you buy a product. You read the ratings on amazon and you search the web for reviews. If you find a review with a postive evaluation you are gonna buy the product.

If that review was written by you and the customer buys the book you get a commission. The commission from a sold book may be not that high but think about how many books are sold every day. And think about how many people are searching for recommendations. There is really a huge market here!


You can also start earning money with a blog. All you need is traffic and some strategy to earn money. Strategies can be advertisement or affiliate marketing.

But the most important thing is traffic. There are many different ways to get traffic but you need some quality content so that the traffic stays on your side and comes back. So you need well written can content rich articles your audience likes.

These are only four different possibilities. And I think you can guess that there are many more. But for me these are the most important and also legal ways to earn money online.

I hope you now have an overview how to earn money online. Maybe earning money online is the right thing for you.

I know it is the right thing for me. Building on my own business, being my own boss and earning solid money. These are all reasons for me to stay in online marketing and maybe you also want to give it a try. (see here my #1 recommendation) .

Now its your turn! Do you know different ways than the described? Or do you have a question or feedback? I would be happy to hear from you so please leave a comment below 🙂

Boost your Productivity

I don’t know how you feel but I love the feeling of being productive. It is every time very satisfying to finish a day with all tasks completed. Maybe even I did some tasks in advance and I can finish earlier tomorrow.

I also know the feeling if you feel very unproductive and I couldn’t finish a single task. This can be very frustrating. The goal of my article is to motivate you and to boost your productivity. Here are some methods and techniques I use to be as much productive as possible.

Traffic lights

The first thing you have do is to separate your tasks into three different categories. The three categories are red, yellow and green just like a traffic light. Red marked tasks are very important tasks you have to do. For example, if there is an upcoming exam, learning for this exam would be a red task. Or finishing a presentation for the next day.

The next category is the yellow tasks and these are medium important tasks. These tasks are not red yet, but they become red within the next two weeks. It would be very helpful to do these tasks but they are not as important as red tasks.

The last category is the green tasks, which are not really important and can wait. Green tasks can become yellow tasks by time, but at the moment it is not really important.

Eat that Frog

Now that we have categorized our tasks we need an order we want to work on our tasks. What would happen if the first thing in the morning you do is to eat a frog? Well yes, that is disgusting but can it get worse? No of course not, so everything else seems very simple and not that disgusting. That’s how we order our tasks now.

You have to take your biggest and most disgusting frog and eat it at first. What does this mean? You have to take the task which is the most important and hardest one. This is your frog. If you finished your hardest task, what can now stop you?

So choose your most disgusting frog (task) and don’t stop until you finished. If you have finished all your red tasks continue with the yellow tasks.

Before I used this method I tended to make my hardest in the end. But there you don’t have much of your energy left and the task will be even harder. So it is much better to work on the hardest task when you have the most of your energy.

No multitasking

No matter if you are a man or a woman, only focus on one task. Often people say that they are much more productive doing two tasks at the same time but that is not true.

There are several studies about that and they all have the result that It is much more productive to focus only on one task. If you finish task by task you will be much more productive.

Eliminate disturbances

In order to be as much productive as possible, you need to be focused on your tasks by 100%. That means you have to eliminate all the possible disturbances.

The first thing you need to do is to have on your desk only the things you need to complete your task, so you don’t have to interrupt your work to search for a book or a report or anything like that.

The next thing you need to do is to put away all the things you don’t need this will only disturb you. So put away all the paper from different projects/exams and focus only one on task.

Put your smartphone on silent and close your email application. You can answer your emails and messages later, now you only have to focus on your task. It can take a lot of time to come back to a task after you answered a short message.

Get more energy

I feel the most productive when I feel awake and I have a lot of energy. There are several different factors which can give you more energy. You should include regular exercising to your daily schedule and try to eat healthier. This will also affect your sleep and you will feel better rested the next day.

Try running, bodyweight workouts or whatever makes you happy. By eating healthier you need to avoid junk food and drink water instead of soda drinks. You should drink more than 2 liters of water every day!

Also, it is very important to work not more than 8 hours per day. The rest of the day should be activities that relax you and give you more energy, like exercising or taking a bath. Also, there should be one day in the week (often Sundays) where you don’t work, you even don’t think about your work/tasks.

If possible try to travel one weekend in a month, this helps you to get away from your work so you can relax much better.

Sometimes less is more. If you feel relaxed and awake you will be much more productive, what makes you happier and gives you more free time.

Social pressure

If that all didn’t help you can set yourself under social pressure. At first, you have to search for a good friend or partner. Now you show this person all the tasks you want to complete and also this person shows you all the tasks he/she want to complete.

Now you have to control, whether your partner/friend completed all the tasks. This is usually enough pressure. It can be hard if you have to say to your friend that you couldn’t finish your tasks.

If that isn’t enough, you can also agree on a punishment. For example, if one didn’t finish his tasks he has to post an embarrassing photo on Facebook. You can be very creative here!

As you can see it isn’t very difficult to be productive. Do you have different techniques or method? I would love to hear from them so please leave a comment below 🙂

I wish you a very productive day! 🙂


The perfect goal

set goalA lot of successful people say that you have to set yourself goals in order to become successful. But how can you set yourself such a goal? The reason why many goals are not reached is a mixture of the person who created the goal and the goal itself. Maybe the goal was not set very well. Or maybe it was set to high and the result was frustration.

Maybe you have experienced the same. Maybe your goal was to get fitter or to lose weight, but after some time you lose motivation and you miss your goal. In order to set yourself the perfect goal what motivates you and what you will reach you need five different characteristics.

Why should I set a goal?

Before I will tell you the five characteristics I will tell you why it is so important to set yourself goals. Setting a goal should give yourself a direction you want to go. Setting yourself no goal is like going on a hiking trip without a destination. How do you know if you are on the right track? And where do you want to go? If you have goals you want to reach, you can be much more focused and motivated.

In addition, when you reach your goals you will be more confident and happy. Isn’t that what everybody wants? 🙂

What are there for different goals?

You need short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are the goals you want to reach within the next month. Medium-term goals can be in-between 1/2 and 5 years. Long-term goals are goals you want to reach the next 5-10 years (or more).

You need to start with a long-term goal. Sit down with a piece of paper and think about all the things you want to have achieved 10 years from now. Maybe you want to drive a Ferrari or have a big home. Or maybe you want to run 10 miles without a problem. Whatever it is, write it down. Now take the goal, where you think that it has the highest impact on your life.

Now take this goal and think what you should have achieved 5 years from now so you can achieve your long-term goal. The last step is to find smaller steps you need to succeed in order to achieve your goal.

I give you an example, maybe you want to earn $10mio/year ten years from now. So a good goal in 5 years would be to earn $5 mio/year. Now you have to think what you need to achieve in order to reach your goal. Well, you usually can’t earn $10mio/year with a normal 9-5 job. So you need to find a different job, maybe you’re a good athlete or maybe you have to become a successful entrepreneur. If you want to become an entrepreneur you have to think about all the stuff you need to become a good entrepreneur. Maybe you need to talk to other successful entrepreneurs or you need to read more books, this can be your short-term goals.

Now you have a plan for your future, including small steps on the way to reach your goal. Of course, maybe it is hard to determine what it takes to be a good entrepreneur, but if you want to become one, you need to set small goals so you move in the right direction. A first goal could be for example to build your first business. Then you need to learn what it takes to create a business and again you have smaller steps.

I hope you can follow me 🙂 now it’s getting interesting. As I mentioned before you need five different characteristics to set yourself a good goal, so here are the five characteristics:

The five characteristics

S – Specific

First important characteristic is that your goal is specific. An unspecific goal can be for example: “I want to become fitter”. Well, this is great, but what does that mean? That can mean that you want to run faster or lift more weight. A specific goal would be for example: “I want to run faster”. Everybody understands your goal and you can work on your running in order to become faster.

M – Measurable

The next important characteristic is that the goal is measurable. For example, your goal is to run faster. So you have to measure your performance now and then. This is why “I want to become fitter” is not a good goal, because how do you want to measure this? But if your goal is measurable you can easily track your performance to see if you are reaching your goal.

A – Achievable/Acceptable

Another important characteristic is if your goal is achievable. What does this mean? This means that if you reach your goal, can you be proud of yourself? If now the goal is not acceptable. For example, the goal: “Make 10 steps per day” is not very acceptable. But for example “running a marathon” is one. So the important part here is to set your goal not too low! Your goal should challenge and motivate you!

R – Realistic

Also, should your goal be realistic. Don’t set yourself a goal you can’t achieve. For example, if you can do 10 pushups maximum you can never do 100 next week. If your goal is so high you can never achieve it, you should make your goal smaller. This can be really frustrating and demotivating. It is important also not to set your goal too high!

T – Time-based

This is one of the common mistakes when it comes to setting a goal. Most people set themselves the goal to loose weight. But if you don’t have a time frame you will never start. So for example, if you want to loose weight say something like: “until the end of March I want to loose x pounds”. So set yourself a specific date/time for your goal.

So the next time you want to set a goal, make it a SMART goal. Setting the perfect goal shouldn’t be too hard following these 5 rules I hope 🙂

I hope you now have the knowledge to set yourself the perfect goal. Follow the five rules and your goal will be motivating. You will be more motivated and more confident in your life.

What are your experiences with setting a goal? If you have any questions I would be very happy, if you leave me a comment below 🙂


2018 Wealthy Affiliate Review (Inclusive bonus)

Today I’ll show you my experience with Wealthy Affiliate. There are many scams out there when it comes to “earning money online”.

But is Wealthy Affiliate one of them? Read now my review and get a bonus at the end of the article!

wealthy affiliate universityWhat is the Wealthy Affiliate University?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online community with over 800,000 online entrepreneurs. All of them have the goal to build a sustainable online business with their passion. There are also many already successful entrepreneurs who make a full income with their online business.

The goal of the community is to help everybody to earn money with their passion. Task-driven lectures help you to learn while creating your first online business. 24/7 live support and the community will help you in every question you will have. In addition, there are weekly live classes about different topics in online marketing.


You can join Wealthy Affiliate for free. This is the best option for every newbie or anyone who wants to give it a try. With a free account, you can host up to 2 websites and in the first 7 days you get live help. For me, this was the best option to have a look at it without paying anything.

If the starter account is not enough for you and you want to have more access to the classrooms you can go to premium. Premium costs 49$/month or 359$/year. You can cancel your membership every month and there are no hidden costs. 359$ per year sounds a lot but this is less than 1$ per day. This is less than you pay for a coffee!

In addition, I think 359$ per year for so much information is very cheap. Think about how much you have to pay for college! Compared to college this price is really a joke. And in WA there are so many different classrooms and lectures you can work through.

How does it work?

Wealthy Affiliate helps you build your first online business with your passion. If you follow the tasks you will learn how to find a fitting niche for you, how to get traffic and how to earn money with it. This will all happen step by step with walkthrough videos.

Wealthy affiliate takes care of the hosting of your domains so you can focus on working on your business.

But of course, it is your job to get your business running. You have to keep working on it and someday you will make enough money to work from home. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. This is for everyone who wants to build a sustainable online business.

Have you ever heard this quote:

if you found work you love you never have to work again

This is why at Wealthy Affiliate you can build your business around your passion. If you have a passion for skiing you can build your online business around skiing. If you have a passion for books you can build your online business around books.

To get your business running you have to put in the work, but if you work with your passion it’s not work anymore. Well yes, it is work but it is work that makes fun. This is that kinda work what wants you to stand up early in the morning to work on your business.

Restricted Countries

It is important to mention that the free membership is not available for every country. The reason for that (according to the owner) is that there is a lot of spam or fraud from these countries. The list of banned countries are the following:

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Egypt
  3. India
  4. Nigeria
  5. Pakistan
  6. Philippines
  7. Vietnam

If you are living in one of these countries but you still want to become a successful online entrepreneur you have two options.

  • Option A: You can start as a premium member. Yes, you have to pay to give it a try, but if you want to join Wealthy Affiliate this is your only chance.
  • Option B: You can create a free membership at Affilorama. Affilorama is like Wealthy Affiliate an online training program for those who want to become online entrepreneurs. There you can create a free membership from every country. If you want to know more have a look at my review.


I’m now a member of the Wealthy Affiliate Community for over half a year now and I never regretted my decision. At the beginning, there has been so much information that I felt a little overwhelmed but there are so many people who help you and the structured classes are really helping to focus on building your first profitable online business.

Wealthy Affiliate is definitely no scam or an untrustworthy website! There are always people who think it doesn’t work, but that is wrong. They often didn’t try it themselves or failed. And in Wealthy Affiliate, you can only fail if you stop. Sometimes it takes more time to get your business running, but if you manage to stay motivated and follow the tips of the community you will succeed!

Your Bonus

Because I want to help you to work on your dream I want to offer you a small bonus. After creating your account I get a huge discount on your first premium month! Instead of $49, the first month costs you only $19! To claim your bonus you have to create your account and I will contact you personally on how to claim your bonus.

You can cancel your subscription after the first month, no questions asked and you only have to pay for the first month. So you can give it a try for a whole month for as less as $19 and then decide, whether you want to keep working on your first online business or do something else.

I hope to see you soon on Wealthy Affiliate 🙂

I hope that you liked my review of Wealthy Affiliate. For me, this was/is a great opportunity to earn good money while going to college. In addition, I don’t have to search for a job after my graduation because I already know that I will be an online entrepreneur.

Some of my fellow students asked me if I can help them and they all starting to make their own online businesses. It is always great to see how happy people are working on their passion. I hope you can someday work with passion because life is too short for a boring or unsatisfying job!

Do you have any questions or feedback? I would be very happy if you leave me a comment below!

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