ClickFunnels Review

ClickFunnels Review – Is it worth the money?

Did you ever had an idea for a product but you had problems with setting up a sales funnel?

There are daily stories of people who had great ideas but they haven’t been able to execute their ideas. In the context of online marketing, they usually have trouble with the technical details.

They don’t know how to set up a high converting landing page and paying someone who does it for you can cost a lot of money ($1,000+).

Then they don’t know how to set up their autoresponder and how to connect the landing page with the autoresponder.

All these problems can be eliminated by using the right kind of software.

If you want to create high-converting sales funnels I can recommend you to use ClickFunnels.

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a tool that helps you create high converting sales funnels very easy. You don’t need to know how to code or any other technical details.

Also, Clickfunnels is giving you all the features you need to build high converting sales funnels and to get your product on the market. This includes features like Actionetics or Backpack.

Funnel Editor

If you never heard something about “sales funnels” and how they are important for your business I would recommend to check out this video:

I believe that video explains very well how important sales funnels can be for your business. The great thing about ClickFunnels is that you get scientifically pre-designed funnels to sell your product.

That means you already have a template for a funnel and you only need to edit it for your own product and brand.

Page Editor

With the help of ClickFunnels, it is very easy to create high-converting landing pages. You can easily drag and drop the elements you want to have. The landing pages are also responsive and ready for mobile traffic.

If you want to know more about the Page Editor of ClickFunnels you can check out this video:

I already worked with different landing page editors but the page editor from ClickFunnels was by far the easiest to work with. It doesn’t take much time or much money for a designer to create high converting landing pages.


Besides a high converting landing page you also need an autoresponder for your funnel. The problem with most autoresponder is that they send the same messages to all people coming to their funnel.

However, there are different people coming to your funnel that means you have to talk differently to each potential customer.

And that was never easier with Actionetics! Check out this video that will explain more about it:

As you can see, Actionetics can really help you convert your visitors into sales! I believe that Actionetics is one of the best autoresponder software you can get at this moment!

If you want to know more about Actionetics you can check out my full review here.


If you have a product you want to sell and you already build your sales funnel you traffic for your funnel. As you may already know there are different traffic sources like Facebook PPC, Google AdWords, SEO, etc. And they are all great traffic sources!

However, if you want to boost your sales the best type of traffic is traffic from affiliates. If you don’t know anything about affiliate marketing you can check out this article!

Setting up an affiliate program can be very technical and maybe not an option if you don’t know how to code or how to set up one. That’s when Backpack comes in! Check out more about Backpack in this video:

As you can see it has never been easier to set up an affiliate program! If you want to know more about the features of Backpack you can check out my full review here.

How much does it cost?

There are three different packages available if you want to use ClickFunnels. There is the ClickFunnels Personal package for $37/month, the ClickFunnels Starter package for $97/month, and the ClickFunnels Full Suite package for $297/month.

Clickfunnels pricing

The Personal package is very new and it is only limited to optin lead funnels. That makes it a great tool for everyone who only wants to use the landing page creator to create some lead pages.

With the Starter package, you can easily create high converting sales funnels and landing pages. You can set up and host up to 20 different funnels at the same time.

If you want to have access to Actionetics and Backpack you need to order the Full Suite package for $297/month where you can create an unlimited number of funnels.

Who is ClickFunnels for?

There are many different people that could benefit from ClickFunnels including:

  • Authors who want to sell more copies of their books
  • Coaches who want to reach more people
  • Business owners who want to generate more leads with the help of funnels
  • Online entrepreneurs who want to sell products online
  • Affiliate marketers who want to create sale funnels for their affiliate products
  • Shop owners who want to sell more products online

Is it worth the money?

$37/month is very affordable I think. $97/month or even $297/month sounds like a lot of money for a single marketing tool. However, you have to know that this is the only tool you need! You don’t need other tools like web hosting, autoresponders, landing page editor, etc.

If you add the costs of all the tools you wouldn’t pay much less!

Also, you don’t need to invest the time to find out how to set up the landing page editor with the autoresponder and how to set up your web hosting.

I’m using ClickFunnels myself and I can recommend this tools to everybody! I never worked with a tool that worked so good and was so easy to set up.

Also, ClickFunnels offers great support if you ever have any question or problem! I contacted the support already several times and they always have been a huge help!

ClickFunnels makes everything much easier so you can focus on creating a product and change the world 🙂

If you want to start with ClickFunnels you can start here you 14 days free trial! If you didn’t like ClickFunnels you can quit it at every time and don’t pay a single dime 🙂

Or you can also watch a free demo of ClickFunnels!


There are many different online marketing tools that want to help you make your life easier. However, some of these products can really help you and some products are very complicated.

ClickFunnels is my favorite online marketing tool and I believe that if you have a great idea for a product you should use ClickFunnels so you can focus on creating your product and bringing on the marketing without getting stuck on the technical details!

Click here to start your 14 days free trial and click here to watch a free demo of ClickFunnels!


How would you feel starting your free ClickFunnels trial if I put in some bonuses?

If you sign up with one of the links on this website you get the following bonuses:

  •  7+ hours of video training: Learn all you need about ClickFunnels ($197 value)
  •  My 3 Top Converting Funnels ($497 value)
  •  My personal Landing Page Hack checklist ($49 value)
  •  Bonus Hacks PDF ($29 value)
  •  Access to my personal email address (invaluable)

You get all these bonuses by just starting your free trial! To get your bonus, write me an email to with the email you signed up for and I will send you all the bonuses!

You also get the bonuses if you start your free trial and quit before the trial ends. That’s a lot of value for only signing up for a free trial, right?

Have you already used ClickFunnels? What do you think about it? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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