Full Backpack Affiliate Program Review

Full Backpack Affiliate Program Review

When people start selling their products with their funnel they usually think that they need a huge marketing budget to sell a lot of their products. However, marketing and selling products does not necessarily mean that you need a large budget.

One great way to sell your product without spending anything on marketing is affiliate marketing. If you never heard about affiliate marketing I can recommend you this article.

Why should you set up an affiliate program?

If you want to sell your product online you need a sales funnel which can be easily created with the right kind of software like ClickFunnels.

The next step would be in getting traffic into your funnel. There are free traffic sources like SEO and paid traffic sources like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. However, these traffic sources take time and effort to set them up.

You can also let affiliates sell your product so they will take care of your marketing and they will get a commission for it. That means you don’t have to pay anything for your traffic and you only have to pay a commission if a product was actually sold.

However, if you want to include affiliate marketing into your sales funnel you need a system that monitors the affiliates and takes care of the payments.

That’s where Backpack comes in.

What is Backpack?

Backpack is the included affiliate marketing system of ClickFunnels. As it included into ClickFunnels it is seamlessly integrated into the funnel builder system and can be easily used to set up an affiliate program.

Here is a short video that will demonstrate Backpack more in detail:

What does Backpack cost?

As I already mentioned, Backpack is included into ClickFunnels and can be used with the Full Etison Suite that costs $297 per month. That also includes Actionetics which is one of the best email marketing tools I know.

User Interface

Like anything at ClickFunnels Backpack has a very user-friendly interface and is very easy to use. Non-tech savvy and tech-savvy users alike will find Backpack easy to use.

There is also a variety of different tutorials and training videos that help you to get familiar will all the features very easy. And if there is still a problem you can get help by the great support that ClickFunnels offers.

Backpack Features

If you are already familiar with Backpack this shouldn’t be something new for you but if you think about purchasing ClickFunnels I think this will be very helpful to you.


If you log in to your ClickFunnels account and navigate to your Backpack dashboard you’ll get an overview of the active affiliates you have, how much they have earned for you in sales, how much you owe them in commissions and how much has already been paid to your affiliates.

backpack dashboard


In the affiliates section, you will find a list of all your affiliates. Usually, the affiliates get added automatically but you can also add new affiliates manually by uploading a CSV file or adding a single affiliate.

backpack affiliate

You are also able to see a preview of your affiliate’s dashboard by clicking on Login As next to your affiliates name. That makes it possible to watch the individual affiliate performance.

actionetics affiliate dashboard


The Commissions section gives you an overview of all paid commissions, affiliates who earned the commission, the amount due, the purchase made and when the commission is due to be paid.

backpack commissions


In the Payments section, you get information about all the payments that have been made and who was getting paid.

backpack payments

Commissions Plans

One of the most important sections for every marketer will be the Commissions Plans section. Here you can set up how much commission your affiliates will make for promoting your product or service. Besides, setting up different commission plans you are also able to create tier-based commissions.

backpack commission plans

The most common type of tier-based affiliate programs is the 2-tier plan. On the first tier, the affiliate receives a commission (40% for example) for selling your product and signing up another affiliate. The second tier activates, allowing that affiliate to earn further commissions (5% for example) when the affiliate he signed up receives their commission from sales.

If you want to create your Commission plan follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Click Add Commission plan

backpack commission plan add

Step 2: Enter Commission Plan Information

In the pop-up box, you need to insert your information such as the name of the commission plan, currency, and status of the commission plan. Finish this step by clicking on Create Commission Plan.

backpack new commission plan

Step 3: Set Affiliate Type

In this step, you can set different affiliate types if you want to. You can, for example, create a VIP affiliate type that gets more commission or something like that.

backpack commission affiliate type

Step 4: Set Tier Type

Once you are done with the affiliate type you can click on Add New Tier and set the amount, the payment type and the number of months before the payment of your commissions.

backpack commission tier

There is no limit to how many tiers you can set up.

Affiliate Types

In the Affiliate Types section, you can create the different affiliates types that work hand-in-hand with the Commission Plans section.

backpack affiliate type

Affiliate Funnels

In the Affiliate Funnels section, you’ll get an overview of all the affiliate programs you have created. If you have never created an affiliate program with ClickFunnels I can recommend my step-by-step article which helps set up an affiliate program for your sales funnel.

backpack affiliate funnel


If you are looking to create an affiliate program for your product or service I can highly recommend using Backpack. Using ClickFunnels gives you access to Backpack and Actionetics and that makes every marketing task you have so much easier.

In summary, Backpack is worth every cent in terms of performance, efficiency, and convenience. The user-friendly interface makes it very easy to use and you can do almost anything you want 🙂

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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