The number one keyword tool

Do you want to create a new blog article, but you don’t have any ideas? Or maybe do you want to know how your side is ranked in google. Or you want to know the quality of a keyword.

If you have struggled with these topics I’m happy to help you. For all these tasks I use Jaaxy. Jaaxy is a keyword tool which is very useful for online entrepreneurs. In the following, I will show you how Jaaxy can help you.


Let’s say you want to write an article about earning money at home. So I enter “earning money online” in Jaaxy and I get the following results:

So the keyword “earn money online” has about 4k counts in traffic. Important is also the QSR value. QSR describes the “Quoted Searched Results”. The higher the value the more sites are ranked in google together with this keyword. So the lower the better.

Also, you can see on the first sight the KQI, which describes the keyword quality index. There are three different colors, green for good, yellow for OK and red for poor. So for example “earn money online” would be “OK” as a keyword. If you use “earn money easy online” the quality index would be better. But also there is not that much traffic.

Why don’t you give it a try yourself? Just enter any keyword below and you will see your results:

It’s great, isn’t it? I use this tool a lot to find new keywords. But Jaaxy can do a lot more.

Site Rank

Didn’t you always want to know, how good your website is ranked in google? This can also be done in Jaaxy.

All you have to do is entering your URL and a specific keyword. Then you get the following results:

The results, show the position of your website and the page on google your website can be found. So in this example, the URL can be found on the second page of google.

For me, this is great to watch the progression of my website. I check in every day to hopefully see my position climbing.

Alphabet Soup Search

If you have trouble finding new topics for articles the alphabet soup search can help you. You can also do this without Jaaxy but it is much easier with. Let’s say you want to write something about the keyword “how to sell” but you don’t have enough content. So you can enter “how to sell” in google and add an “a”:

As you can see, maybe you want to write something about how to sell a product. Then you can continue with “how to sell”  + “b” and there you get other ideas. This can be done until you reach “z”. This can also do Jaaxy for you.

All you have to do is entering a keyword and Jaaxy finds you the results for “a”, “b” and so on.


The great thing about Jaaxy is that you can try it out for free! If you register for free you can try up to 30 different searches. If you like Jaaxy you can upgrade your account for 19$ per month. 

In the Pro-Upgrade you have unlimited keyword searches and more results in the Alphabet Soup Search.

So for trying out the free program is absolutely sufficient. Later on, you maybe need to upgrade to Pro but 19$ is really cheap for such a good tool in my opinion!



Now I want to have your opinion! Have you given Jaaxy a try or are you using any other Keyword tool? I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below 🙂

Best regards,


About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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