ClickFunnels vs. OptimizePress

ClickFunnels vs. OptimizePress

If you’re coming to this article, you’re wondering whether ClickFunnels or OptimizePress is the superior software tool.

Both tools are amazing when it comes to creating high-converting landing pages but we will look deeper to find whether ClickFunnels or OptimizePress is the better solution.


There are three different memberships at ClickFunnels which are monthly paid. The cheapest membership is the personal membership and costs $37/month and does only include optin-pages. The ClickFunnels starter membership costs $97/month and includes sales pages and access to every funnel as well. The most expensive package is the full etison suite which costs $297/month and includes professional marketing tools like Actionetics and Backpack.

Clickfunnels pricing

In addition, ClickFunnels offers a 14 Day free trial which makes it possible to test the platform without any costs. OptimizePress doesn’t offer a trial period as the prices are paid only once. However, they offer a 30-day money back guarantee so you can cancel your account at any time and receive a full refund.

OptimizePress does only require a single payment. They also offer three different pricing packages with different features. Let’s have a closer look at them:

optimizePress pricing

The cheapest package is the core package which comes with a single payment of $97. It includes unlimited pages and you can use your pages on up to 3 different sites. The next package is the publisher membership which comes at a cost of $197. This includes more features like A/B split testing and up to 10 different sites.

The most expensive package is the pro package which costs $297 and comes with all the features of the publisher membership. The difference is that you can use OptimizePress with the pro package on up to 30 sites.

I’m sure that there are many people who think that OptimizePress is much better as you only have a single payment. However, what you have to keep in mind that ClickFunnels takes care of the hosting of your website while you have to host the websites yourself with OptimizePress.

What this means is that you have to include monthly hosting into your calculations which means that it doesn’t end with the single payment of $97.

If you’re not that technical I think that ClickFunnels offers the better package as you don’t need to find out how hosting works and which hoster is the best for your business.

Landing Page Templates

Both tools offer a variety of different templates so let’s check out the templates that both tools are offering.

ClickFunnels Landing Page Templates

clickfunnels templates

ClickFunnels offers a great variety of different templates for every kind of page (sales page, optin-page, webinar registration page, etc.).

OptimizePress Landing Page Templates

OptimizePress templates

With OptimizePress you get access to over 30 templates. In addition, there is a landing page show where you can buy new templates for around $10 per page. I believe that the templates are great to start with and also that the price for new landing pages is very low.


By choosing the personal membership at ClickFunnels, you don’t get access to all the templates as this membership is limited to optin-pages. If you want to get access to all types of pages you have to purchase the starter membership which comes at $97/month.

You get access to all the landing page templates at OptimizePress by paying for the lowest membership which comes with a single payment of $97.

Landing Page Builder

After having a look at the templates we come to the most important aspect of every landing page tool, the editor. I already have worked with several landing page editors and there is nothing more annoying than a landing page creator which is hard to use.

In addition, it is important to easily make changes to the templates as you want to look different than your competition.

ClickFunnels Page Creator

clickfunnels landing page creator

The landing page creator is very clean and easy to use. It makes it simple to make changes to your landing pages and to create highly customized pages. I work a lot with the landing page creator of ClickFunnels and I think it is one of the best landing page creators you can use.

OptimizePress Landing Page Creator

OptimizePress Editor

Using the landing page creator of OptimizePress is very easy and makes a lot of fun. It is very easy to add new elements, edit existing elements and building a landing page from the ground up. All changes are applied live which means it can’t happen that your browser crashed with unsaved changes.

I think the landing page creator of OptimizePress is also great for newbies as it is very easy and intuitive to use.


Having a landing page creator without an integration to your email marketing tool would make no sense so it is important for the landing page tool to have as many integrations as possible. Let’s compare the integrations of both tools.

ClickFunnels Integrations

ClickFunnels offers a great variety of different integrations. If you don’t want to use the inbuilt email marketing software (only included in the $297/month package) you can integrate almost any email marketing software tool I know including:

  • AWeber
  • GetResponse
  • MailChimp
  • Office AutoPilot Tagging
  • Infusionsoft
  • Maropost
  • Constant Contact API
  • Interspire
  • ActiveCampaign
  • MadMimi
  • ConvertKit
  • HTML Form Integration

Webinar integrations:

  • Ever Webinar
  • GoToWebinar
  • Webinar Jam Studio

In addition, you can integrate several payment tools:

  • Infusionsoft
  • WarriorPlus
  • BackPackCRM
  • Clickbank
  • Ontraport
  • Stripe

OptimizePress Integrations

As OptimizePress doesn’t have an email marketing tool you need to integrate your tool with OptimizePress. Thankfully there are many different tools you can integrate into OptimizePress. Here is are some of the tools you can integrate:

  • Aweber
  • MailChimp
  • iContact
  • GetResponse
  • OfficeAutopilot
  • Infusionsoft
  • 1ShoppingCart

In addition, you can also add different membership tools including

  • iMember360
  • WishlistMember
  • DigitalAccessPass
  • MemberMouse
  • FastMember
  • Memberium

Bottom Line

Both tools offer a great variety of different integrations. I think both cover most of the used marketing tools so you shouldn’t have a problem with integrating your tool.

In addition, both tools offer WordPress integration which makes it possible for bloggers or WordPress users to add high-converting landing pages to their website with both tools. As WordPress it the foundation of many websites this integration is very helpful to many people.


For me, the support is always very important as there are always questions or problems raising by using the tool and the better and faster the support the better you can work the tool.


ClickFunnels offers priority phone support to the full suite users ($297 per month). If you have a lower plan you can always contact the support by email or via chat. I used the email support several times and I’ve always gotten a good and fast response.


If you check out the pricing table of OptimizePress you can see that you get normal support with the lowest package ($97 single payment), priority support with the publisher package ($197 single payment), and top of the line support with the pro package ($297 single payment).

Looking at the support both tools are pretty the same and both offer great support for their users.

Amazing Features

I wanted to add this section as both tools offer great features which make them stand out in their unique way. While these features don’t touch the core functionality of these tools it’s definitively something that makes your head turn.

Template Marketplace (Both tools)

If you are not happy with the templates that are given to you, you can buy additional templates with both tools. While ClickFunnels only has a small marketplace with higher priced templates (up to $297) OptimizePress offers a lot of templates for a small price ($8-12).

However, here I need to mention that the ClickFunnels templates contain a whole funnel including landing pages, sales pages, and email autoresponder while the OptimizePress templates are one page only.

Shared Funnels (ClickFunnels Only)

If you have created a funnel you can easily share your funnel with other ClickFunnels members. There are several powerful use cases where this is helpful. For example, you can send a high converting funnel to new members as a bonus so they can get started more quickly and easily.

Or you can create a mastermind and by sharing and looking at different funnels you’ll learn more about funnels.

Drag-and-drop Sales Funnel (ClickFunnels Only)

This is for me one of the reasons why I think that ClickFunnels is the better sales funnel software. You can easily rearrange the steps of your funnel with drag and drop. That makes it very easy to add new pages or to change the sequence of your pages.

Of course, you can connect your pages within LeadPages to a funnel but if you want to change something you need to change each page which was affected by the change.


Now that we had a look at the main features of both tools, it’s clear to say that both tools have a lot of offer. Both have an internet marketing background and they both are proven to help to build online businesses.

The question now which tool is the best for you comes down to these factors:

What’s your budget?

If you’re an online marketer you know that you have to invest in the right tool. OptimizePress is great as you only have a single payment but you also have to take care of the hosting yourself. ClickFunnels offers hosting and great inbuilt tools like Actionetics and Backpack which can help you boost your sales.

Do you want to build your list or sell products?

I think if you are more interested in selling your products you should invest in ClickFunnels as it is easier to create sales funnels and you can create an affiliate program for your product/service.

If you are more interested in building an email list I can recommend OptimizePress as it offers a great variety of great looking landing pages.

How many tools do you want?

If you want to have everything you need in one tool I can recommend ClickFunnels. That includes website hosting, landing page creator, sales funnel builder, email autoresponders, affiliate marketing management system and much more while OptimizePress “only” includes landing page creation.

That’s why I think that ClickFunnels can be easier to use for non-techy users as you have everything in one single place.

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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