5 Books Every Aspiring Online Entrepreneur Should Read

5 Books Every Aspiring Online Entrepreneur Should Read

If you want to become a successful online entrepreneur you should always work hard on your business. However, you should work harder on your mindset and your knowledge.

There is a quote I really love about that:

The more you learn the more you earn

And I can totally agree with that. This not only applies to the online marketing world. The more value you can offer, the better you will be paid.

Think about the top business consultants. They earn as much as $10,000 a day just for giving advice!

One way to train your mind is by reading books. If you read about one hour a day you read up to 7 hours a week. That means you could read as much as one book per week.

That’s 52 books per year! And you can be sure that these will totally transform your mindset and your life. I had books that changed my whole thinking.

But back to online marketing. In this article, I want to show you my 5 top recommendations you should read to bring your business to the next level!

1. The 4-Hour Workweek By Timothy Ferriss

This book is my #1 recommendation. No book ever changed my thinking about outsourcing than this book. Timothy Ferris will explain you all the steps you need to build a fully automated income-generator. A fully automated system sets you free pursuing your passions(a.k.a. your “muse”), leaving you free to pursue your passions: other business plans, travel, hobbies, whatever.

Favorite Takeaway: I have never thought about sourcing out tasks because I always thought that I lose money. However, this book really changed my mind, because if you outsource tasks you gain one important thing: time. If you work an hour for new Instagram posts but you find someone who can do the same task for $10 you pay $10 for one hour. If you can make more than $10 in one hour it is a waste of time and money to do the task yourself.

You can get it here (Amazon).

2. The Fire Starter Sessions By Danielle LaPorte

If you want to be happy with your business and your life I can totally recommend to you this book. There are 16 beautifully designed sessions that will ignite the mind in ways that could change your career and life.
The passion of this book will grab you by the shoulders and shake action out of you.
This is definitely a book to read and re-read every year!

Favorite Takeaway: It was pretty hard to pick one favorite – because there are so many takeaways. But, generosity is where it’s at: “Make generosity part of your growth strategy. Don’t wait. Don’t wait until your stuff is selling or you’ve got enough of a cushion in your bank account. Don’t wait until you’ve got more time. Give now.”

You can get it here.

3. Permission Marketing

I always talk about the importance of email marketing. And this book will show you why email marketing can be so effective. Think about how much advertisement you see every day. TV commercial, newspaper ads, radio ads, banner ads at websites, etc. These ads try to get your attention by interrupting you.

However what if you could get permission to advertise to someone? If you don’t need to try to interrupt you by placing ads on buses or on the radio. This book will teach you how effective permission marketing looks like and how it can help your business.

Favorite Takeaway: If you bring value to the people they are much likely to listen to you than if you only try to sell them something. Giving value to the people should always be your #1 goal.

You can get it here.

4. 80/20 By Perry Marshal

I think that the 80/20 principle is by far the most important principle when it comes to marketing and productivity. The 80/20 principle is explained very simply. 20% of your customers make 80% of the revenue. 20% of the streets carry 80% of the traffic, etc.

That means if you focus only on the 20% that makes 80% of your revenue you have less work and you can make more money! That’s the dream, right?

Favorite Takeaway: This book changed my thinking in many ways. My favorite takeaway is that 20% of your tasks make 80% of your outcome. By figuring out the 20% I found a lot of time wasting tasks that didn’t help me build my business. Outsourcing these tasks has been a real breakthrough for me.

You can get the book here.

5. DotComSecrets by Russel Brunson

Russel Brunson is one of the marketing gurus when it comes to selling your own products or services. There aren’t many people who know more about sales funnels and how to earn more money for each customer. His book DotComSecrets shows you a lot of very effective techniques that can help you earn more money than your opponents.

What I really love about the book is the writing style. It is very easy to read despite the advanced techniques. I was so excited from this book that I finished to book within 2 days. Here you can read my review.

Favorite Takeaway: If you want to earn money with each customer you have to give him more value. So for example, if you have a best seller book you can offer him additional stuff like an audiobook. That way you can earn more with every sale. That also means you can invest more into traffic.

You can get it here on Amazon or get here a free copy only paying shipping costs.

These are all books that changed the way I see and think about my business. I can totally recommend to you to get these 5 books and read them as fast as possible 😉

What has been your experience with these books or do you think one book is missing? I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below!

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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