The One Funnel Away Challenge Review

The One Funnel Away Challenge Review

Have you heard of the One Funnel Away Challenge of Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels? But what exactly is the One Funnel Away Challenge and for whom is it for?

Learn more about it in this article!

What is the One Funnel Away Challenge

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a four weeks training program by the founder of ClickFunnels Russell Brunson. Each day you’ll get training videos and todo tasks you’ll need to work on. In addition, you’ll get a physical workbook and some other cool stuff I’ll explain more in detail below!

The goal of the training program is to help you launching a high converting funnel for your product or service.

How is the One Funnel Away Structured?

Each week of the training program is designed to work on one important part of your funnel. Let’s dive into the different weeks and what you’ll learn in each week.

Pre-training, Belief

The first week is all about your mindset. In this pre-training week you’ll learn the foundation on how to be a successful online entrepreneur. I believe that the mindset is one of the most important parts when it comes to entrepreneurship and that’s why I think that the pre-training will be very helpful for everyone.

Week #1: Hook, Story, Offer

After the pre-training the real first week of your training starts. In this week you’ll learn everything about creating and structuring your offer. Each part of a successful funnel can be structured into hook, story, and offer. In the One Funnel Away Challenge you’ll start with the offer and continue with the hook and story.

Week #2: Your Hooks and Stories

In the second week of the training, you’ll learn everything about hooks and stories. You’ll learn how to create an epiphany bridge (Hint: If you have never heard of the epiphany bridge, check out DotComSecrets) and how to create and test your hooks and stories.

Week #3: The Funnel

In the third week of the training, you’ll finally create your first funnel. You’ll learn how to create your squeeze page, your sales page and all the parts you need for your funnel. (Hint: All the videos are created for ClickFunnels – Check out here my review)

Week #4: Make It Rain

After creating your first funnel in week 3 you’ll now learn how to fill your funnel with traffic. You’ll learn more about the three types of traffic and the concept of the dream 100 (hint: check out Expert Secrets). You’ll also learn what to do if your funnel flops.

Week #5: Post Training

After the four weeks training you should now have a working funnel. But what should you do now? In the post training week you’ll learn what to do the next 30, 60 and 90 days so you can keep up the momentum and scale your funnel.

What does it cost?

The One Funnel Away Challenge costs $100. This includes the four weeks training plus some bonuses. One of these bonuses is the 30 Days book. In this book, Russell Brunson asked 30 two-comma club winner (people who have made over 1 million in sales with ClickFunnels) what they would do if they had to start from scratch with no money, no following, no email list, etc.

What this book includes is 30 different plans how successful online entrepreneurs would create their first funnel/online business if they had to start from new. I believe that is an amazing book as you’ll get many valuable insights. I’m reading one plan each day and each day I learn something new. That may be concerned to online marketing or creating funnels but also about the mindset.

What does it include?

The One Funnel Away Challenge includes:

  • 30 Days of Video Missions from Russell Brunson
  • 30 Days of Coaching from Stephen Larson & Julie Stoian
  • One Funnel Away Challenge Customized Kit
  • Physical Copy of the Challenge Workbook
  • MP3 Player
  • 30 Days Hardcover Book
  • Unlimited Access to 30 days Interviews
  • Behind the Scenes-Two Comma Club Interviews

Who is the One Away Challenge for?

I believe that the One Funnel Away challenge is an amazing training program for everyone who wants to successfully build an online business. This training can be great for beginners as well as experienced marketers. I’m already working in the online marketing business for almost 2 years but I have learned many new concepts and insights that are really helpful.


The One Funnel Away challenge is a four weeks training program by Russell Brunson designed to help you building your first profitable funnel whether you’re an experienced marketer or beginner.

They could sell this training easily for several thousand dollars but all you need to pay is $100. I have made the challenge myself and I believe it is one of the best training programs in the online marketing space.

Not only, you’ll get training videos but also assignments that guide you to your first successful funnel. Here you can join the challenge!

Have you already done the One Funnel Away challenge? What do you think about it? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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