How to create a website easily in 30 seconds (Including video proof)

Today you will learn how to create yourself a website in only 30 seconds. Together with a website, you can start earning money and creating the lifestyle you always wanted!

To build your website at first you need to choose a web hoster. There are many different good web hosters like SiteRubix or Bluehost.

In SiteRubix you can create free websites with a <yourwebsite> domain. If you want to use your own domain you need to access a premium account. The premium account also unlocks the classrooms of Wealthy Affiliate (see my review here).

Bluehost is one of the top web hosting companies and you can host your website for as low as $2.75 per month. If you have already some knowledge and a low budget I would recommend you to use Bluehost. If you have no experience at all SiteRubix will be your better choice!

Today I will show you how to use SiteRubix because you can use it for free and its easier to set up a website. This is great of you want to play around a little bit.

Step 1: choose a domain

At first, you need to choose yourself a domain. Don’t think about it too much. Your domain should be easy to read and if possible to be catchy. If you mix up around 2-3 words this should be enough.

If you mix up around 2-3 words about the main topic this should be enough. Let’s say you want to create a website for people who want to learn fishing. “” or “” could be two possible domains.

Now that you have chosen your domain, try if it is still available:

If it is available click on “Build it Now” and you will be transferred to the SiteRubix homepage.

The next thing you need to do is to fill out the form with your name and a password. As I said, everything is free so you don’t need to pay for anything.

As I already mentioned as a free member you can only choose a domain with “” as a domain name. But this is totally sufficient for now so just click on “A Free Website” to continue.

Step 2: Name of your website

Now you have to enter the name of your website. This can be for example: “Learn how to fish”.

But don’t worry about the name you can change this as often as you want.

Step 3: Design of your website

The next step is to choose a design for your web page. As a free member, there is a small choice of different design. As a premium member, you have access to over 1.000 professional designs.

You can click on “demo” and try out every single design if you want to.

Many people think that design is the most important part of a successful web page but this is not true. More important is your content and whether it is interesting or not.

I give you an example, do you think Reddit is so successful because of the design? No of course not, Reddit is successful because of the content. And that should be your number one focus on building an online business.

Step 4: Create your website

The last step is to create your website. If you have picked your domain, name, and design of your website you can click on “I’m ready, Build My Website Now!”. Now your website will be created and is online now.

Congrats! This is your first step to start building your online business.

Work with your website

Now that you have created your first website let’s have a look how you can work with it. You should now have in front of you the SiteRubix manager.

You can now press “Log in” and you will see all the users of your website. At the moment there is only the user “admin” so press “Login now” and you will come to your website.

You now see the dashboard of your side. This is the view as an admin. If you want to see your side from the view as a visitor click on the upper left corner on the name of your website and “visit now”.

You can come back by clicking again on the left upper corner on your website name and “dashboard”.

In the dashboard, you can administer all your posts, pages, comments, and so on. If you want you can start by writing an “About Me” page or write your first post.

If you want to learn all the basics about WordPress and how to start earning money with your brand new website I recommend you to visit Wealthy Affiliate. As a SiteRubix user, you already have a free account and you are able to visit some of the classrooms. There is also a community of over 800.000 users and many of them already earn good money online.

And as I already mentioned you can keep working with your free account. You don’t have to pay for anything!

Video Proof

As I promised here is the video proof how to create a website in 30 seconds or less:


In this article, I showed you how to build your first online website in only 5 minutes. If you have followed all the steps congratulations! You have created your first website.

Your website is the foundation for everything you will do in the future. You can be very proud of yourself. You have done more than most of the people by taking the first step.

There are many people dreaming of the location and time-independent lifestyle and you have made your first step working towards your dream! Keep working and you will see results soon.

Did you like my tutorial? Was it easy or hard to follow? I would be very happy if you could leave me your opinion below!

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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