What To Look For In An SEO Training Course Six Important Qualities

What To Look For In An SEO Training Course – Six Important Qualities

There are unlimited training courses on SEO out there. But how can you say whether it’s a good training course or not?

I have collected six quality factors for every SEO training course so you can determine the quality very quickly and easily.

A track record of SEO success

Obviously, one quality you should look for is a track record of success over a period of time in search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

One quick way to check is to do a Google search on SEO training city, where the city is your local area. (eg. SEO training Brisbane or Brisbane SEO training).

It also pays to check their SEO client portfolio. If so, are their clients happy with their SEO work?

An understanding of current SEO methods

SEO is a dynamic industry. As search engines update and improve their ranking algorithms, so also must SEO companies update their methods of getting and holding good search engine rankings.

If the SEO training course you considering is focused on keyword density, link exchanges and creating complex meta tags, then choose again. These factors used to be very important 3-5 years ago. Not so now. The best SEO these days is about keyword research, anchor text, article marketing, directory marketing, getting one-way links and using social media.

Avoid astonishing promises

If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. If the SEO training course you are considering promises to show you how to rank in the top 5 in Google for any search term then find someone else. As a famous movie once said” They’re dreaming.

SEO is hard work and it does take time to rank well for competitive keyword phrases.

Determining the best keyword phrase to optimize for and then executing the optimization over a period of time will eventually yield results.

Sound training methodology

Does the SEO training firm use qualified trainers? Make sure your SEO trainer is both a good classroom trainer and experienced in SEO.

Hands-on experience

SEO theory should be backed up by hands-on practical experience where you get to immediately apply your new learning. Avoid any SEO training course where you are lectured to for a day or so without any hands-on experience. The best SEO courses are a combination of theory, example, and practice.

Where possible you should have the opportunity to work on a real-life SEO project and get the instructors help with that project.

Follow up support

The half-life of any training course is about 4 days. Unless the theory is applied or revised, it leaves a short-term memory and must be relearned. Make sure the training that you purchase includes some level of e-mail or telephone support.

If they do, make sure you use it even if it’s just to make sure you are on the right track with your SEO projects. Good quality handouts, notes and access to online resources is also something to look for.


As you can see, it is not that hard to determine the quality of any SEO course with these six quality factors. Do you know any SEO course that has all six of them? Let me know by writing a comment below!

Also, I know a course SEO course that has all six of them. It is called Wealthy Affiliate and they offer a lot of SEO training in the affiliate marketing niche. However, I think the information is great for everyone who wants to learn more about SEO!

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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