Online Sales Pro ReviewScam or opportunity-

Online Sales Pro review – Scam or Opportunity?

Online Sales Pro is a lead generation, marketing automation, and direct sales software tool. They say that with their help you are able to grow your leads, your sales, and your cash flow (check it out here).

Let’s see if that’s true and dig into this tool a little more.

How does it work?

Online Sales Pro has different features we want to have a look at.

Landing Page Creator

Online Sales Pro offers nine different landing page templates you can choose from. The templates look very professional and they are all fully responsive.

This is very important since more and more traffic is coming from mobile phones.

You can change the headline, the background, the button, and the colors. However, the problem is that you can’t edit the format of the landing pages. So for example, you can’t add text labels, other buttons or anything like that.

If you want to focus on short landing pages with a video, for example, the templates are good but nothing special.

Lead generation

One of the greatest features of Online Sales Pro is the Online Sales app. Every time you get a lead you get a notification on your phone. That means you can instantly write them a personalized email or give them a call (if they give you their number).

This can really boost your conversion. Especially if you work in a business where you need to spend more time with your lead like multi-level marketing or coaching.

Email Integration

Of course, you can also integrate your favorite autoresponders. The integration is very easy and works very well. You can integrate AWeber, GetResponse, MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and

3rd Party Funnels

Online Sales Pro also offers a variety of different pre-built funnels for other services like DigitalAltitude, MCA, Reverse Commissions, and much more.

That feature really takes out a lot of work if you work with the programs. Just fill on your affiliate links and you already have a funnel. I don’t think it can get much easier 🙂


Online Sales Pro offers a variety of lessons about affiliate marketing. The focus of this training is on list building. I think the training is easy to understand and has a lot of good and valuable content.

However, if you check out the guides they deliver you can see that these pdf guides are not from Online Sales Pro but rather from another source. However, that doesn’t mean that the quality is bad.

If you are already an experienced marketer I don’t think you’ll learn a lot of new stuff but still, you’ll find one or two strategies you can use.

However, if you are a beginner to affiliate marketing maybe this free guide can help you out.


Online Sales Pro costs $37/month. Within this package, you get as many landing pages and funnels you want to create. This also includes the hosting of all your landing pages.

Besides the basic package, there is also the MVP upgrade. The MVP upgrade costs $97/month. By upgrading your account you get more advanced training and early access to new templates and sales pages.

In addition, you can create a customized MVP store with your affiliate links which your referrals will see. That way, you can easily create different income streams.

Does it work?

The templates are very basic and the app works well.

The integration with the autoresponders are working very good and the training is very basic.

You can’t integrate your landing pages within WordPress that means that can be a huge turn off for many bloggers.

If you want to have a landing page tool together with an integrated autoresponse I would recommend to check out ClickFunnels (check out here my review) or Builderall (check out the review here).

These tools are much more flexible and they also offer an autoresponder integration and much more features that Online Sales Pro can’t deliver.



Online Sales Pro is a great lead generation tool for coaches and multi-level marketers. The notification feature really helps you to build up trust and boost your conversion.

If you have a WordPress blog I can’t recommend you this tool as you can’t integrate it with your blog. Here I would choose a different tool like OptimizePress or ThriveThemes.

As I already mentioned, if you are really interested in building an landing page I would recommend using other tools.

Now I want to hear more from you!

What do you think about Online Sales Pro? Are you using it to generate leads?

About the Author Fabi

While I was in college I was not amused to become a 9-5 worker. So I searched for other ways. And I found online marketing. After many failures, I finally succeeded and I was able to escape the 9-5 and live the life I always wanted. I believe that if you want something you can achieve it. And if you want to build a successful online business I can help you achieve your goal!

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